Dreams of health

Our natural state is not to be sick, but sickness does happen, and when it does, when we are not well, it is when we dream of being healthy, which is a tendency that invites us to regain balance.

In the case of health, dreaming about it helps us achieve it, as demonstrated in "The Game of Dreams."

As we have mentioned in the section "what science shows", everything in the Universe is linked through the similarity of natural frequencies, this argument is what allows us to dream and make our dreams come true, beyond the direct actions that we can or we must do in physical reality to change it.

In the case of diseases, there are different ways of approaching them. One is traditional medicine that is based on more or less proven scientific studies. Another is alternative medicine, which obtains very good results, but does not have a scientific basis as solid as that of traditional medicine. And finally there are the miracles, which work when nothing else works.

Diseases appear due to a mismatch between the natural frequency of the body and the natural frequency of the essence of being.

The Theory of the Unknowable


Medicine is the formula offered by experts (doctors) in physical reality to regain balance and adjustment between different parts of our being, which normally works very well. When we talk about dreams of health, we do so in another dimension which is not at all obvious, but which brings a very relevant part to regain balance.

Medicine solves most health problems, of course, that's out of the question, but here we're talking about dreams, and with those dreams the attitude we could have and that can help in all this type of process.

The Science of Miracles

As we can see in the video of "The Science of Miracles" by Gregg Braden (which is published in the section "what science shows"), miracles exist and do occur, since they also have a scientific explanation. In this case, it is the speculative conjecture of holographic fields, which have the same behavior as the resonance effect, but outside of time, which is entirely consistent with what is explained in the Theory of the Unknowable with reference to the infinite region of the Universe, where consciousness, dreams and creation inhabit and where time does not exist.

"Miracles" can and do happen, we only have to do things in a specific way, and many times, whoever hopes or tries to cause miracles does not take into account all the factors, that is why they do not happen. Let's think about penicillin, for example, in the Middle Ages it would have been a miracle, or homeopathy, which behaves many times in an inexplicable way, the latter works by relating different frequencies and tuning into different parts of the Universe, finally everything has a reason and follow a process.

The actions that can be done are very diverse, and as for the "miracles" we can feel them very clearly, especially when they cause a disease to be cured.

Physical reality is in resonance with the natural frequency of our essence, and from this place we can manage it, modifying it, modulating it through our feelings, as explained in "The Game of Dreams".

Health is only a state of balance, all we need to do is feel it to return to it.

If this were simple, no one would be sick, the problem is that many factors influence in diseases.

Factors that influence the appearance and cure of diseases.

Why have I become sick, and how I can cure?

In the section "What science shows" we have dealt with the case of the Millennium Bridge in London that began to vibrate due to the resonance of the footsteps of the people who passed by it. We have also made a similarity between dreams (the steps of the people) and the swing of the bridge (the realization of the dream). This case is very enlightening when it comes to talking about diseases, since whether it is at the time the disease appears, or at the time it is cured, there are external circumstances, which can favor one process or another.

  • The natural frequency of the environment

    If the disease is something that is produced by an imbalance, what has caused it?

    It is evident that we do not live in a society and an environment that is too kind to nature, which includes us, whether we are aware of it or not. Protecting ourselves against the elements of the environment is not an easy task, and neither is it to remedy it.

    Based on the example of the Millennium bridge, we see that an external effect influences its balance, to solve this, what engineers do is find out what happens first, and secondly apply a solution that consists of putting some dampers... In our case we will have to find out what type of dampers we can use to minimize the effects of the outside, after having identified them.

    To find out the causes that affect us, we only have to do one thing, perceive in depth what makes us feel bad about our environment (we are talking about a deep feeling as described in The Game of Dreams), this can be a person, or several, an environment, a situation, and so on..

    The idea is to cushion this cause. We can not do it, we just have to keep in mind that this situation is constantly unbalancing us, and this imbalance is what causes diseases...

  • Beliefs, own and others

    It has been amply demonstrated in multiple fields that a belief has a clear effect on our reality, and health is not left out of this. The point is that beliefs do not take into account the content, if it is positive, it will have positive effects, in the same way that if it is negative it will have the opposite effect. On the other hand, it is very important to take into account that beliefs are unconscious in eighty percent of cases, so we will not be able to easily dampen them.

    Whatever the beliefs that have caused the situation we are in, if they are negative we have not realized them and we probably cannot figure out what they are.

    What we can do is add new beliefs, both on our part and on the part of others.

    This effect is also a resonance effect between our belief and reality, the frequency of beliefs is of great amplitude and for this reason it affects reality so much, what we can do with this is increase this amplitude even more by involving many people in our process / game, which is also demonstrated since if many people believe the same thing, it ends up manifesting itself. Let's remember once again the case of the Millennium Bridge, a single person could not make the bridge oscillate, several people could cause some effect, thousands of people could even make it collapse.

    If many people deeply believe that we are going to be cured, we will probably be cured, but this is a very serious exercise, there can be no shadow of a doubt.

  • The will

    Many things that happen around us do so automatically, they follow pre-established patterns, many times by ourselves or by our environment, as if circumstances moved automatically...

    It is evident that if we find ourselves in a situation that harms us, we must voluntarily change some of the premises of our life if we want it to change, as we explained in "The Game of Dreams", which cannot be done in any way. if we want to be successful in our company, and the most important factor to change a situation is the will, ours or that of another or other people...

    Do you want to change something in your life?

  • Fears, own and others

    Fear is another of the active frequencies of our reality, which resonates strongly, causing situations that we cannot control when fear, curiously, exists to control situations.

    If we were a car, fear is like a dynamic brake, that is, once the vehicle is stopped it will start to go backwards, so it is very important to be very aware of our fears... they can kill us.

    But the frequency of the fears that influence us is not only ours, the frequency of the fears of others can also affect us, so we must find and dampen them, as we have done with the natural frequency of the environment.

    Fear is one of the divergent emotions that affect our reality, let's remember that the divergent emotions are fear, anger and sadness, and that each of these emotions resonates with a type of disease, for example, anger has a very resonant vibration with cancer.

Each of these factors has its own natural frequency and can be synchronized with our reality, it depends on us.

Think about one thing, life works automatically, when it stops doing so, we get sick, and this is because there is a reason that has taken us out of our zone of balance and resonance, finding out this reason can become a company long and complicated... but it's worth it, the prize is life.

Life is order, life is balance, life grows, life insists... life reminds us of who we are, life is stubborn, and if it leaves it is because we do not love it or take care of it enough.

the realization of dreams

The realization of dreams is not an easy path, it requires that many circumstances be aligned, if one fails it will not work.

In the case of diseases the question is much more important, if it does not work the consequences can be disastrous.

In this case, more than ever, it is important to be very clear about the meaning of life, to understand who we are and that there is still a long way to go, and that the best way to do this is by playing.

I am aware that a disease is not a game, I do not want to trivialize this situation, but the prize that is won in the game of dreams is life itself, always, whether it is freedom or the realization of the dream, as if it is health, finally what we gain is the balance and the experience of life.

Questions about dreams, contact us.